// RGBiOSUtilitiesBundle
// Depends on RGBIOSUtilities.swift
// If prints for debugging must work, just add -D PRINT_FOR_DEBUGGING in Other Swift Flags
// (Cmd-1, click on project, enter Other Swift Flags in search field)
// Updated (headerdoc added) on 30-01-2018
import Foundation
//MARK: bundleReadAsString(fileName:,withExtension:) -> String
/// Read a text file that is in supposed to be in the bundle (not in a real folder in the bundle)
/// - Parameters:
/// - fileName: Name of a file in the bundle of this app
/// - fileExtension: Extension of this file in the bundle of this app
/// - Returns: Contents of the file as a String?, if the file does exist and can be read.
public func bundleReadAsString(fileName:String, withExtension fileExtension:String) -> String? {
var text:String?
// If the file is not found in the bundle, the string
// given back by this method will be nil
let temp = Bundle.main.url(forResource: fileName,
withExtension: fileExtension),
else { return nil }
// If we get here,there IS a file in the bundle with that name
do {
text = try String(contentsOf: temp)
} catch {
text = nil
return text
} // End of bundleReadAsString()
//MARK: readAllLinesFromFile(fileName:withExtension:)
/// Emulates Files.readAllLines(). Returns an optional.
/// - Parameters:
/// - name: The name of the file, supposedly placed in the bundle of this app
/// - ext: extension of the file
/// - Returns: A [String]? that holds all lines from the file
public func bundleReadAllLinesFromFile(_ name:String, withExtension ext:String) -> [String]? {
if let contents = bundleReadAsString(fileName: name, withExtension: ext) {
return contents.components(separatedBy: "\n")
} else {
return nil
} // End of bundleReadAllLinesFromFile(fileName:withExtension:)
//MARK: bundleReadAllLinesFromFile(_:,inFolder:withExtension:)
/// Emulates Files.readAllLines() for a file placed inside a folder in the bundle. Returns an optional.
/// - Parameters:
/// - name: Name of the file, supposed to be placed inside a real folder in the bundle
/// - folder: Name of the folder that holds the file, placed inside the bundle.
/// - ext: Extension of the file
/// - Returns: A [String]? taht holds all lines in the file.
public func bundleReadAllLinesFromFile(_ name:String,
inFolder folder:String,
withExtension ext:String) -> [String]? {
if let contents = bundleReadAsStringFromFolder(folderName: folder,
fileName: name,
withExtension: ext) {
return contents.components(separatedBy: "\n")
} else {
return nil
} // End of bundleReadAllLinesFromFile(_:,inFolder:withExtensino)
//MARK: bundleReadAsStringFromFolder(_:,fileName:,withExtension:) -> String
/// Read a text file that is supposed to be in the bundle in a real folder, returning it as ONE optional String.
/// - Parameters:
/// - folderName: Name of the folder that holds the file, placed inside the bundle.
/// - fileName: Name of the file, supposed to be placed inside a real folder in the bundle
/// - fileExtension: Extension of the file
/// - Returns: One single line with the whole contents of the file placed in a folder in the bundle, as a single String?
public func bundleReadAsStringFromFolder(folderName:String,
withExtension fileExtension:String) -> String? {
var text:String? = nil
if let temp = Bundle.main.url(forResource: fileName,
withExtension: fileExtension,
subdirectory: folderName) {
do {
text = try String(contentsOf: temp)
} catch {
text = nil
} // End of do/catch
} // End of if/let
return text
} // End of bundleReadAsStringFromFolder()
//MARK: shallowListingOfObjectsInBundle()
/// Gives back the names of all objects in the bundle directory (no recursive traversing), ready to be printed as text. Each name is complemented with a description that shows whether it is a file or a folder.
/// - Returns: An optional String with the names of all objects prepended with File: or Directory:. Each object is in one line.
public func shallowListingOfObjectsInBundle() -> String? {
var text = ""
if let itemURLs = Bundle.main.urls(forResourcesWithExtension: nil,
subdirectory: nil) {
itemURLs.forEach() {
text.append( (isDirectory(url: $0) ? "Directory : " : "File : ")
+ "\($0.lastPathComponent)"
+ "\n")
} // End of forEach
return text
} // End of if let
else {
return nil
} // End of shallowListingOfObjectsInBundle()
//MARK: deepListingOfRealDirectoryInBundle(_:) -> String?
/// Gives back a String? with the recursive listing of a real directory in the bundle, needs work
// Not yet well done
public func deepListingOfRealDirectoryInBundle(_ url:URL) -> String? {
let nameOfSubdirectory = url.lastPathComponent
var text = "Subdirectory " + nameOfSubdirectory + "\n"
let directoryContents = Bundle.main.urls(forResourcesWithExtension: nil, subdirectory: nameOfSubdirectory)
directoryContents?.forEach() {
if isDirectory(url: $0) {
text.append("Directory: \($0)\n")
} else {
text.append( "File : "
+ "\($0.lastPathComponent)"
+ "\n")
return text
} // End of deepListingOfRealDirectoryInBundle
//MARK: deepListingOfBundle() -> String?
/// Gives back a String? with the recursive listing of all objects the bundle
public func deepListingOfBundle() -> String? {
var text = ""
if let itemURLs = Bundle.main.urls(forResourcesWithExtension: nil,
subdirectory: nil) {
itemURLs.forEach() {
if isDirectory(url: $0) {
text.append("Directory \($0):\n")
} else {
text.append( ("File : ")
+ "\($0)"
+ "\n")
} // End of forEach
} // End of if let
return text
} // End of deepListingOfBundle()
//MARK: deepListingOfDirectoriesInBundle() -> String?
/// Gives back a String? with the recursive listing of all objects of type directory in the bundle
func deepListingOfDirectoriesInBundle() -> String? {
var text = ""
let dfm = FileManager.default
if let bundleResourceURL = Bundle.main.resourceURL {
if let itemURLs = dfm.enumerator(at: bundleResourceURL,
includingPropertiesForKeys: []) {
itemURLs.forEach() {
let url = $0 as! URL
if isDirectory(url: url) {
text.append( url.absoluteString
+ "\n\n")
} // End of forEach
} // End of if let
return text
} // End of deepListingOfDirectoriesInBundle()
//MARK: listingOfFilesInBundle(withExtension:) -> String?
/// The recursive listing of all files with a given extension in the bundle
/// - Parameter fileExtension: The extension of the files to be found in the bundle
/// - Returns: A String? that holds each of the files in the bundle with the given extension. Each file is in its own line.
func listingOfFilesInBundle(withExtension fileExtension:String) -> String? {
var text:String?
let itemURLs = Bundle.main.urls(forResourcesWithExtension: fileExtension,
else {
return nil
} // End of guard
itemURLs.forEach() { text?.append( $0.absoluteString + "\n\n") }
return text
} // End of listingOfFilesInBundle()
// This method gives back the list of resources with a given extension that are stored inside a folder in the bundle. Do realize that a relative path into that folder is easy to build and lets the programmer access any file of a given type inside a given folder in the bundle, even when the final parent folder is nested 3 deep into the topmost one. In other words, folder denotes folder_path within the bundle.
//MARK: listingOfBundleFilesInRealDirectory(_:withExtension:) -> String?
/// This method gives back the list of resources with a given extension that are stored inside a folder in the bundle. Do realize that a relative path into that folder is easy to build and lets the programmer access any file of a given type inside a given folder in the bundle, even when the final parent folder is nested 3 deep into the topmost one. In other words, folder denotes folder_path within the bundle.
/// - Parameters:
/// - folder: The path to a folder inside the bundle. It can hold a complex path inside the folder.
/// - fileExtension: The extension of the files to be found.
/// - Returns: A [String]? that holdes, in each line, the name of a file with the given extension. All files belong to the folder whose path is given as the first argument.
func listingOfBundleFilesInRealDirectory(folder:String,
withExtension fileExtension:String) -> String? {
var text:String?
// Just write the path to the subdirectory (folder media_blue) in the second argument
let itemURLs = Bundle.main.urls(forResourcesWithExtension: fileExtension,
subdirectory: folder),
else {
return nil
} // End of guard
itemURLs.forEach() { text?.append( $0.absoluteString + "\n\n") }
return text